One of the most difficult challenges - to find helpful parameter in the CAN bus. There are a lot of CAN-USB scanners which produce raw CAN-log files for analysys. Someone is experienced enough to recognize CAN J1939 PGNs or CAN-IDs in raw format like “FEF2, FECA, 20E, 3E9 etc”. But we will make analysis easier.
can2sky.com a free web-service for can-log parsing and visualisation in form of readable parameters and plots. Parser is based on DBC-files, there are some default DBC-parsers including J1939 protocol and 11-bit cars. You can create your own parsers based on it with built-in editor and upload your DBCs too. Further development includes collaboration of users and DBC-sharing between users for p2p CAN bas analysis.
Main idea of service:
- Find helpful parameters amoung raw CAN bus log to be read by GPS tracker
- Analyze non-standard CAN bus identifiers with a help of plots
- Collaboration with colleagues. Your log can be decoded by your colleagues amound world.
Requirements: CAN-USB adapter and software to make CAN bus log in raw text file.
Please, share your suggestions and ideas.
Right now only several types of CAN logs can be loaded. But we try to make an universal csv-format very soon.