Flashing Carloop via Webservice

Hey again!

Wondering if anyone could point me to some documentation regarding learning how to flash particle outside of the web ide but via a web service(i.e. not cli). I love how slick the interaction is with the carloop.io/apps page, and I’m trying to implement something similar with some added form fields.

Ping @alanm or @jvanier

Hi folks,

Here’s the documentation for flashing Particle outside the Web IDE.

You can use the API directly: https://docs.particle.io/reference/api/#flash-a-device-with-source-code

$ curl -X PUT "https://api.particle.io/v1/devices/0123456789abcdef01234567?access_token=1234" \
       -F "file=@app.ino" \
       -F "file1=@project.properties"

project.properties tells the cloud compiler what libraries you want to use. For Carloop, put this in project.properties:


If you are building a web app, you can also use the Particle Javascript library: https://docs.particle.io/reference/javascript/#flashing

This is what the apps page does here: app-reminder/docs/reminder.js at master · carloop/app-reminder · GitHub

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