On a 2017 Rav4 and a 2019 Volkswagen Golf, I have not been able to get meaningful candump data. I essentially get no data.
I’m using a virtualbox ubuntu image on a windows 10 pc. I pass through the USB.
I run
sudo apt install can-utils
sudo slcand -o -c -s6 /dev/ttyACM0 can0
sudo ifconfig can0 up txqueuelen 1000
candump can0
The final command simply prints out one message over and over again.
What am I missing?
I’m definitely getting some pid info using the the visualization sample app: Visualize Car Data With Carloop And Blynk - Hackster.io
But I haven’t been able to get onto the can bus and start sniffing and spoofing, as I want to. Shouldn’t the CAN network be on the OBDII port and thus the carloop, or are there deeper electronics that I’m missing?