How do I setup Masks and Filters for the ID

How do I setup Masks and Filters for the CAN ID ? The sequence I would like to implement would look like this using the ELM AT format.


Setup filter and mask xxx & yyy on the 11 bit Message ID then enable the CAN hardware to pass only those frames that match that pattern to my app. Also how do I stop this monitor mode?

How many filter/mask pairs does the STM32F205 support?

Update:I have found the Particle documentation for CAN so I think that is what I need to read.

Hey @Turbo3,
Welcome to the Carloop community! There are many ways to filter CAN messages. Here is some sample code that might help although it is not in the ELM AT format: app-simple-transmit/src/app-simple-transmit.cpp at master · carloop/app-simple-transmit · GitHub

Is this helpful or did I miss your question completely?
