can someone explin to me how can I send request to the car?
if I understand correct I need to send
where “7DF” mean question to the “car”?
02 - mean - I want information
0902 - what I’m looking for?
am I right?
can someone maybe give some information about it?
You might want to read up a bit on OBD2 – most of the information is available on the web.
Here’s the breakdown:
7DF: arbitration info, i.e. id of the ECU you want to talk to. In this case: 7DF = functional broadcast = talking to everyone
02: Amount of data bytes following
09: PID 09, Vehicle Information
02: VIN
and there I can see there are 3 typs of services 01\02\09
so if I want to get the VIN
I understand I need to use Service 09 and PID 02 (for the vin)
the response is 17 bytes
so what is the first 02 I use in the send?
and also what is the PID answer will be ?
also 7DF? or something else?
for example I have try to send this:
according to the WiKi - 0A 20 ECU name cansend can0 7DF#02090A
but I get no response from the car
what did I do wrong?