Sending commands

I must be doing something wrong. I’m able to use my carloop with canutils and it works amazing! Ive got alot of much needed info. my only problem is sending the commands back to test if they are correct. I was able to get the door unlock/lock - radio off/on - shifter position - off of my 2014 Dodge Charger.
when I send the ID to unlock the doors, I get nothing. no kind of indicator it was successful.

Is it possible to send more than one command?

Have you tried cangen? You can repeatedly send the same CAN message every -g (gap in milliseconds).
In the command below you will send CAN ID 0x415 every 10 ms with the data you want to send after the -D option added to the command
cangen can0 -g 10 -I 415 -D 0FF0B32D

write: No buffer space available

sudo pkill slcand
unplug USB cable
sudo slcand -o -c -s6 /dev/ttyACM* can0
sudo ifconfig can0 up

Instead of -g 10, try:
cangen can0 -g 50 -I 415 -D 0FF0B32D
then start decreasing gaps in milliseconds -g until you are able to see the doors lock/unlock etc.

The gap basically determines the frequency at which you are sending CAN messages. If you decrease it, you send more CAN messages overwriting the ones being sent by the body control module in your charger telling the door locks to remain locked.

I’m still getting the same message.

im using the redbear duo if that makes a difference, I’m going to switch to my particle wifi and see if that helps.

made the switch and i still get “write: No buffer space available”

Can you paste the command you are sending?

cangen can0 -g 10 -I 334 -D 4000000129030000

try changing to -g 100 and see if that works.

still the same message.

I’ve tried to single out the door locks to make sure 100% its the correct data and it is the right ID.

cangen can0 -g 100 -I 334 -D 4000000129030000
write: No buffer space available

I just realized that I’m using parallels desktop on my Mac to run linux. maybe if I use a dedicated linux machine that would help with the problem.

I came across this on the net I’m hoping this can help me.

I’ve got it working sorta, I’m able to send single commands. but when I use “cangen” I can see it start up but then I get the “write: No buffer space available” so when that happens I send “sudo ifconfig can0 down” then I send “sudo ifconfig can0 up” it seems to be working like that. I read online someone said it would free up the buffer and send the first message only. I’m still trying to figure out why this is happening.

am I able to send multiple commands at once? I’ve tried several variations of “cansend” but I get nothing.

when you send a single cansend message, that message is immediately over-written by the original message being sent in the vehicle’s CAN bus. That is why you need to continuously send it every 10 ms with cangen to make sure Carloop is overwriting the original CAN message in the car.

when I use cangen I keep getting that buffer error. I’ve tried this but still same result
sudo ifconfig can0 txqueuelen 100
to change the buffer size maybe you can increase to 1000 and see if that fixes it.

See this paper:

appreciate the info it really helped a lot! I got it working and can use cangen to send the commands. I think increasing the buffer size really helped! now its time to figure out how to regularly send the messages. and I figured if I use 2 terminal windows I can use cangen on both to send the needed commands and that works too, but after sending the 2 messages to get the doors unlocked still nothing :frowning:
I did run into a buffer message again but I’m thinking it did that because I increased the cangen to send out faster. I’m still playing with it hopefully I can get more updates ill post them on this thread.