UPDATE: Brand new Carloop Docs page!

Hello Everyone!
We have a new Carloop Docs page! We are really excited about it because itโ€™s waaaay easier to edit than our previous one. It is very much under construction, so it is a great opportunity to make a big impact in shaping how Carloop Docs look and feel! Add your own tips and tricks that you think would be valuable to others!

The URL is here :smile:: http://docs.carloop.io/

But this is what you really wanted :wink:: GitHub - carloop/docs: This is the repository of all documentation for Carloop Hardware and Software

Documentation is one of the reasons open source projects succeed; everyone can add their input! Think about how many people you can save from falling down the same rabbit hole weโ€™ve all been in many times! :rabbit:

The Carloop Docs page content is all in Markdown files so it is super easy to add new files or improve on the existing index.md file on there.

Looking forward to some great pull requests!

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This is awesome, thanks!

Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions/updates!